Comprehensive Learner Record 2.0 Certification Test System

IMS Open Badges 3.0 certification overview and instructions

CLR Issuer certification

A CLR Issuer is an application that allows for the creation of ClrCredentials and the subsequent delivery of ClrCredentials to recipients that conform to the CLR Specification. The candidate platform must issue a valid baked ClrCredential and demonstrate how the ClrCredential is retrieved by the recipient


  1. Issue a valid CLR Credential:

    Create a valid ClrCredential and issue it to the recipient "" and submit the issued badge to the conformance test system.

  2. Register your client to use the API:

    Exchange of endpoint information and OAuth tokens

  3. Endpoint and OAuth registration for consumer calls:

    Obtain an access token from the conformance test system following OAuth 2.0 authentication flow with the provided login credentials. Ensure that the right scopes are sent.

  4. Endpoint for sending a credential:

    A product that conforms to Service Consumer (Write) requirements can send an ClrCredential or a Profile to a product that conforms to Service Provider (Write) requirements.

  5. Endpoint for sending a profile:

    A product that conforms to Service Consumer (Write) requirements can send a Profile to a product that conforms to Service Provider (Write) requirements

Note that the artifacts you submit will not be fetched for permanent storage on IMS servers. You will therefore need to make sure that the artifacts remain accessible at their respective URLs until you have received an email notification that your certification has been approved.

CLR Displayer certification

An CLR Displayer is an application that displays and verifies ClrCredentials for viewers. The candidate platform must support viewer-initiated verification of a ClrCredential.


  1. Display of a credential:

    The candidate platform must verify these credentials and submit the status in the conformance test system. Among these badges there should be a valid one, an expired one and a revoked one.

  2. Display of a credential (Verifiable Credential Data Model 1.1):

    The candidate platform must verify these credentials and submit the status in the conformance test system. Among these badges there should be a valid one, an expired one and a revoked one.

Note that the artifacts you submit will not be fetched for permanent storage on IMS servers. You will therefore need to make sure that the artifacts remain accessible at their respective URLs until you have received an email notification that your certification has been approved.

Host Service Conformance

An CLR Host is an application that can aggregate and publicly host ClrCredentials for recipients. It also supports export of ClrCredentials at user request.


  1. Register your client to use the API:

    Exchange of endpoint information and client registration

  2. Endpoint and OAuth registration for consumer calls:

    Exchange of endpoint information and OAuth tokens

  3. Consumer call to getCredentials:

    A product that conforms to Service Consumer (Read) requirements can request credentials from a product that conforms to Service Provider (Read) requirements.

  4. Consumer call to getCredentials with filter and query:

    A product that conforms to Service Consumer (Read) requirements can request credentials from a product that conforms to Service Provider (Read) requirements.

  5. Consumer call to getProfile:

    A product that conforms to Service Consumer (Read) requirements can request profile from a product that conforms to Service Provider (Read) requirements.

  6. Endpoint and OAuth registration for provider calls:

    Configure the certification suite to make API calls to your candidate platform

  7. OAuth client registration:

    Registration of a client for making API calls

  8. Endpoint and OAuth registration for provider calls:

    Exchange of endpoint information and OAuth tokens

  9. Provider call to getCredentials:

    A product that conforms to Service Provider (Read) requirements can provide badges to a product that conforms to Service Consumer (Read) requirements.

  10. Provider call to getCredentials:

    A product that conforms to Service Provider (Read) requirements can provide badges to a product that conforms to Service Consumer (Read) requirements.

  11. Provider call to getProfile:

    A product that conforms to Service Provider (Read) requirements can provide profile to a product that conforms to Service Consumer (Read) requirements.

  12. Provider call to upsertCredentials:

    A product that conforms to Service Provider (Write) requirements can accept an OpenBadgeCredential from a product that conforms to Service Consumer (Write) requirements.

  13. Provider call to putProfile:

    A product that conforms to Service Provider (Write) requirements can accept a Profile from a product that conforms to Service Consumer (Write) requirements.